Huion Graphics Tablet Contributing Tutorials: Moyafanna

Hardware: Huion Graphics Tablet

Software: PS          

This is the final effect of the picture.


Picture 1: Turn on PS first and create an A4 size canvas with the resolution of 300dpi. Create a new layer on the canvas to draw the line draft. In order to create a hand-painted effect for the coloring picture, I choose the brush which is similar to pencil to sketch the line draft. And then create a background layer under the line draft layer used to set the dominant tone.


Picture2: Add complexion and paint hair color for the character and then elaborate the character’s face.


Picture 3: This part is to refine hair. Since the heroine is Peacock Princess and to highlight her trait, it will be much better to select green color for the end part of her hair and it looks like peacock feature.


Picture 4: Elaborate the curly hair and add highlights.


Picture 5: Elaborate the hair on the right by using the same way of last step. Start with adding background color and then adding highlights for the hair.


Picture 6: The following part is color adjustment for the round decoration on the back of character. Create a new layer first and choose large soft-edged brush gun to paint green color on the outer ring. And next to adjust layer mode and I choose “Difference” mode to create my required effect.


Picture 7: This step is to refine the heroine’s ornament. In order to finish drawing the decorations fast and I need to set the mode of brush to “Linear Dodge”. This brush can works perfectly in drawing highlights especially in adding the golden highlights which can be similar with real yellow gold.


Picture 8: Add decorative pattern on the outer ring which can enrich the whole picture.


Picture 9: Sketch a lotus on the right of the character. Draw the line draft first and add background color. Since the dominant color is green and in order to have a harmonious effect of the picture I still choose green in this part.


Picture 10: Add highlights and shadow for the lotus. I use Gradient Tool to create the dark green shadow and then set the layer mode.


Picture 11: Add grain which is similar to the shape of peacock feature for the lotus petal.


Picture 12: This part is to add lotus buds.


Picture 13:The drawing part is finished. What I should do next is to adjust tone around the character. It is necessary to highlight the character by darkening the tone around the heroine



Picture 14: The last step is to use “Color Balance” to adjust the whole tone of the picture.


Hope this course will be helpful.

                                                                            Contributed by HUION


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