Huion Graphics Tablet Contributing Tutorials: Moyafanna

Hardware: Huion Graphics Tablet

Software: PS          

This is the final effect of the picture.


Picture 1: Turn on PS first and create an A4 size canvas with the resolution of 300dpi. Create a new layer on the canvas to draw the line draft. In order to create a hand-painted effect for the coloring picture, I choose the brush which is similar to pencil to sketch the line draft. And then create a background layer under the line draft layer used to set the dominant tone.


Picture2: Add complexion and paint hair color for the character and then elaborate the character’s face.


Picture 3: This part is to refine hair. Since the heroine is Peacock Princess and to highlight her trait, it will be much better to select green color for the end part of her hair and it looks like peacock feature.


Picture 4: Elaborate the curly hair and add highlights.


Picture 5: Elaborate the hair on the right by using the same way of last step. Start with adding background color and then adding highlights for the hair.


Picture 6: The following part is color adjustment for the round decoration on the back of character. Create a new layer first and choose large soft-edged brush gun to paint green color on the outer ring. And next to adjust layer mode and I choose “Difference” mode to create my required effect.


Picture 7: This step is to refine the heroine’s ornament. In order to finish drawing the decorations fast and I need to set the mode of brush to “Linear Dodge”. This brush can works perfectly in drawing highlights especially in adding the golden highlights which can be similar with real yellow gold.


Picture 8: Add decorative pattern on the outer ring which can enrich the whole picture.


Picture 9: Sketch a lotus on the right of the character. Draw the line draft first and add background color. Since the dominant color is green and in order to have a harmonious effect of the picture I still choose green in this part.


Picture 10: Add highlights and shadow for the lotus. I use Gradient Tool to create the dark green shadow and then set the layer mode.


Picture 11: Add grain which is similar to the shape of peacock feature for the lotus petal.


Picture 12: This part is to add lotus buds.


Picture 13:The drawing part is finished. What I should do next is to adjust tone around the character. It is necessary to highlight the character by darkening the tone around the heroine



Picture 14: The last step is to use “Color Balance” to adjust the whole tone of the picture.


Hope this course will be helpful.

                                                                            Contributed by HUION


Huion Graphics Tablet Contributing Tutorials: Lotus Wander

Hardware: Huion Graphics Tablet

Software: PS

Inspiration: With time goes by, the winter is coming and the lotus in the pond fade away and only left the withered rootstock stand in the pond. This scene reminds me of last summer when lotus flowers were in full bloom and a young girl with Hanfu stands by the lotus pond which creates a beautiful picture in my mind and cannot be removed. Therefore, I decided to draw out this picture.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             This is the final effect.



Picture 1: Turn on PS first and create an A4 size canvas with the resolution of 300dpi. Scan the draft into computer and create a new layer over the draft used to sketch the lines and then create another new layer below the line draft which used to fill the ground color. This is the effect of finishing filling the color.


Picture2: Lock the layer where hair and skin color stays. That is, “Lock Transparent Pixels”. Then refine the character’s face and hair.



Picture 3: This part is to elaborate the flower on her hair.


Picture 4: Continue to draw the character’s dress and hand. The main method used in this part is to add shadow and highlights.


Picture 5: The character is almost finished and the following important part is to draw lotus around the character. In order to make the background looks more harmonious, I choose white and add little pale lilac for the flowers which can make the flowers more realistic.



Picture 6: Refine all lotuses on the background. It is available to add little pink for petals which will make the flowers more charming.



Picture 7: This step is to draw the line draft of lotus leaf first and then fill and elaborate the leaf.  The dark green color would be better for the lotus leaf. The leaves look dark green at night.




Picture 8: Copy all layers where the lotus stay and use “Gaussian Blur” to create lights for the flowers.



Picture 9: Use big scene brush and blur tool properly to smudge highlights part on the left top of the background. And on the highlight part, it would be better to draw a goldfish. And the fishtail should be draw with smoke brush to create the effect of ethereal.



Picture 10: Add ornament such as the flower decorative patter on clothes.


Picture 11: Adjust the light and make sure the overall tone.



Picture 12: The following part is to add highlight points. Choose pale yellow and spread them with different sizes on the picture. After copying the layer and use “Gaussian Blur” to create the scene which many fireflies are flying around the lotus pond on summer night. Then the highlight spots are finished.


 Hope this course will be helpful.

                                                                              Contributed by HUION



Huion Graphics Tablet Contributing Tutorials: The Fairy Princess


Hardware: Huion Graphics Tablet

Software: PS

Inspiration: There is a movie scene stays in my mind all the time: a fairy appears in the moonlight with the blond hair shining which is so beautiful that I decided to draw a picture about fairy princess. In my mind, maybe she is not gorgeous, but…

Huion Graphics Tablet Contributing Tutorials: The Fairy Princess

Huion Graphics Tablet Contributing Tutorials: Chinese Rose Fairy among Flowers

Hardware: Huion Tablet

Inspiration: The Chinese roses on the balcony are blossoming as usual. They blossom so happily and it seems that they can warm the whole morning. This arouses me a question: Is there a Thumbelina hide in the middle of the delicate stamen? And sometimes, I see one or two butterflies come and linger on the flowers. Maybe they are talking with the Chinese Rose fairy.

This is the final effect.


Picture 1: Turn on PS first and create an A4 size canvas with the resolution of 300dpi. Then create a layer on the top of the canvas to draw a draft. It is necessary to reduce the opacity of draft. After setting the shape dynamics to Hard Round Brush, then I draw line draft. If you feel the pen draws too smooth, and you can put a paper on the tablet to add friction. In order to create a vintage style, I choose an oval frame in the picture.                     


Picture2: Reduce the opacity of line draft and change the layer mode to “Multiply”.


Picture 3: Create N layers below the line draft used to fill the colors of all parts. Since I would like to render a feel of simple and small fresh, therefore, all colors should be used to deliver the feelings of sweet and gentle. This is the complete effect of finishing the bottom color.


Picture 4: This part is to refine the character’s face. The moist eyes with a little pitiful feel can illustrate that she is a gentle and sweet fairy.


Picture 5: The following step is to depict her hair. By using the methods from shallow to deep, overlay the color layer by layer.


Picture 6: Add some small flowers on the braids so that the fairy can look lovelier.


Picture 7: Here is the final effect of clothes part.


Picture 8: Continue to elaborate the biggest Chinese rose in the central.


Picture 9: Here is the complete effect of leaves and flower bud which stay at the character’s back.


Picture 10: Add flying butterflies with fluorescence on the background.


Picture 11: This part is to draw the butterfly which stays on the character’s hair. After searching for lots of butterfly samples, I found the swallowtail butterfly is the best choice. And then draw line draft of the butterfly which the bottom color should be spread. Then I elaborate the butterfly step by step. Next is to adjust the “Color Balance” and “Brightness” on the layer where the butterfly stays. This is the final effect of this step.


Picture 12: This part is to depict these two butterflies on the bottom of the picture and the oval frame.


Picture 13: The last step is to add vines of Chinese roses. I draw vines on one side first and then copy it to the other side with the help of “Free Transform”.


Hope this course will be helpful.

                                                                                Contributed by HUION


Huion Graphics Tablet Contributing Tutorials: Beauty in the Mirror· Sweet Dream Stuck in the Palace

Hardware: Photoshop CS5 & Huion Tablet

This is the final effect.


Picture 1: Turn on PS and create an A4 size canvas with the resolution of 300dpi. And then create a layer on the top of the canvas to draw a draft which should be spreaded with bottom color.                         


Picture2: Create a layer and fill the bottom color roughly. At the same time, reduce the opacity of the line draft layer.


Picture 3: The next step is to draw pane with the usage of rectangle tool. Firstly, you need to select the bottom color of the window. And then execute the command of “Edit—Fill” and you can finish one rectangle with filled color. To draw a complete pane, it is necessary to draw a rectangle again inside the previous rectangle via the rectangle tool and then execute “Edit—Clear”.


Picture 4: This is the complete effect of pane.


Picture 5: The following part is to refine the character’s face in the mirror. Due to the character is the queen, thus the feature and behavior are totally different from a young girl. Instead, the queen has the feature of calm and mature. In order to show her character, it will be much better to raise the end part of her eyebrow properly.


Picture 6: Fill the qitou (a popular hairstyle in Qing dynasty) with dark color rather than ater to be harmonious with the color of the hair in the forehead.


Picture 7: Further to add some headwear. To go with the character’s status, the headwear should mainly be gold and sometimes jade is fine.


Picture 8: This is the complete effect of qitou part.


Picture 9: This part is to draw dragon texture on the clothes. Start with drawing a draft and then paint the bottom color. It will be helpful to refer to various textures of the queen’s clothes in Qing dynasty.


Picture 10: Refine the character’s clothes before the mirror. In Qing dynasty, the color of green, green jade and cyan are regarded as low-down color. Since the character before the mirror is a maid in the palace who has low status, thus the color of her clothes should be light green to fit her role.


Picture 11: Add three-dimension texture to the mirror.


Picture 12: The peony on the top is selected to decorate the whole picture. Reduce the opacity of the peony is ok.


Picture 13: Change the visibility of the layer where the window stays.


Picture 14: Add some texture in the picture so that it can look more beautiful.


Hope this course will be helpful.

                                                          Contributed by HUION


Huion Tablets Contributing Tutorials: Charming Pink Face like Peach Blossom in Sweet Dream Stuck in Palace

Author: Nanweizi

Software: PS

Hardware: Huion tablet

This is the final effect.


Picture 1: Turn on PS and create an A4 size canvas with 300dpi, then create a layer on the top of the canvas to draw the draft. After finishing depicting the face, cover it with bottom color and then refine it. This is the complete effect of face.


Picture 2: Add highlight on the clothes. Usually, those women who have high status dress chi-pao made by high quality silk. The usage of highlight is to highlight the clothes fabric. If the clothes are made by disablement fort, the highlight should be blurry rather than obvious. Then refine qitou (a popular hairstyle in Qing dynasty), this qitou shows bellow is called dalachi which is a main kind of qitou in Manchu female. The silk flower is indispensible in strengthening the beauty and gorgeous of qitou.


Picture 3: The next step is to add silk flower which usually made by silk in Qing dynasty.


Picture 4: Then add some beautiful hair accessories which fit the Manchu woman’s status. Since the role of the female is a concubine of an emperor, it is necessary to add some simple step shakes like butterfly rather than some prominent gorgeous ones.


Picture 5: The dropping tassels are made by the setting of bead chain brush which is convenient and practical. And it can draw straight line by pressing on shift key. After doing that, the beautiful tassels are finished by adding highlight.


Picture 6: Draw patterns on the clothes.


Picture 7: This part is to finish the hand and the figure in cuff.


Picture 8: In order to look more harmonious between the extended branches of peach blossom and the whole background, you can choose the brush named Heavy Smear Wax Crayon 1 to add depth to the background.


Picture 9: Create a new layer on the top layer of character and draw out some peach blossom branches. There is no need to refine those branches because all these branches have to blur finally to get the effect with the combination of empty and reality.


Picture 10: This part is to finish the other part of branches.


Picture 11: In order to highlight the character, you should blur all branches with the Gaussian blur tool.


Picture 12: Further add background and draw out some braches.


Picture 13: Draw a branch of peach blossom behind the character. Because of the far distant, the peach blossom is also a little blurry.


Picture 14: Open “color balance” panel and adjust the tone of the flower, the character and the background. And then add a little highlight to the female’s face properly.

Hope this course will be helpful.

                                                                              Contributed by HUION

Huion Graphics Tablet Contributing Tutorials: Lady Rattan·Meet you on April

Author: Dongfangxiong

Software: PS

Hardware: Huion Tablet :

Inspiration: An elegant young man is strolling about a remote garden in which the wisterias are blossoming on April. He walks on the flagstone road and looks lots of wisteria petal paved a way for him to find the charming woman who is standing among wisterias with a robe. It looks so beautiful that the young is attracted at his first sight.

This is the final effect.

This is one part of the picture.


Picture 1: Turn on the PS, create a blank canvas and  a new layer used to draft.


Picture 2: Cover the whole picture with a light purple to fit the theme of wisteria.


Picture 3: Choose Heavy Smear Wax Crayon in pen setting to draw wisteria. This pen is useful because it can draw good texture when brush the background. Click “scatter”, “dual brushes” “transmission” in pen setting which locates in the window of pen preference. After finishing the above settings, you can brush background.


Picture 4: This is the effect of finishing background. The following detail drawing processes go on based on this step.


Picture 5: First refine the part of face. Start from the left eye. After finishing the left eye, you can compare to the unfinished right eye and find that the elaboration effect is obvious.


Picture 6: This is the effect of finishing face elaboration. The character is Lady Rattan who acts as Huadan in opera. Therefore, her eye lines in canthus should be long and thin. Besides, the whole face makes up with soft pink to show her charming.


Picture 7: Next it is time to deal with the hair and headwear. Choose brush with hard-edge round and transmission because it is convenient to draw hair which can look layered.


Picture 8: This is the complete effect of head part.


Picture 9: It is turn to depict dress with the same brush used in drawing hair. But there is a need to adjust the opacity to show the lightness of the clothes.


Picture 10: Depict wisteria ornamentation in the clothes.


Picture 11: After adjusting the hair on the back, add pink and purple hair band.


Picture 12: The following step is to draw wisteria. First draw the flowers above the head.



Picture 13: Adjust the type of brush, and add the properties like “scatter”, “texture”, so that you can depict the distant wisteria.


Picture 14: Lead in the grass brush, and draw grass behind the female.


Picture 15: Add wisteria petals which is falling and scattering on the ground.


Picture 16: Use gradient tool to drag out a color banding from purple to fuchsia and enrich the color of wisteria.


Picture 17: Go on to add petals.


Picture 18: Lead in manipulated with brush to depict the character’s voile ribbon.


Picture 19: Enrich the distant wisteria.

Hope this course will be helpful.

                                                                              Contributed by HUION