Huion 580 Contributing Tutorials 2 on Drawing the Hair by Oran Pig Comic Classroom

Device: Huion Tablet 580

Software: Photoshop CS3


About the artist:

Zhang Xian (Oran Pig), the first person in China to teach cutting-edge comics, revolutionist of China’s comics teaching, cartoonist, illustrator, cartoon editor, founder of popular website-Original Comics Reactor

“Hello everyone, this time I was invited by Huion Technology to launch this tutorial for beginners to solve difficult problems. First, I’m glad that there appears another domestic manufacturer who supply graphic tablet to comic lovers. Their new graphic tablet K28 has excellent performance. Compared with other tablets I used before, 580 has better brushstrokes. Welcome to experience it.”

Hair is actually very simple to draw, but it’s also a monster in beginners’mind.

Do not treat the hair as the hair, then you will succeed. The following tutorial illustrations are very simple. However the truth is not to have blind faith in so-called advanced hair painting, which is all you need to know and now what remains is hard training.

In the following tutorials, the text corresponds to the image above.


1, First we need to draw a head.



2, A common problem that beginners face is very much afraid of the hair because they do not know how to draw it as it’s so much. Or once they draw the hair, they draw it one by one because at this time you still treat the hair as the hair. It’s really excruciating to draw the hair one by one.

Certainly those guys who love comics from the very beginning will not draw it like that, but a beginner prefers realism will wonder why others draw the hair so vividly, and mine looks so sloppy after drawing it one by one?


3, as pictured above, let’s learn the hair painting.


4, The cowlick is the key of hair drawing.



5, the second key is to process the hair after dividing it into blocks.

As shown above, we design a variety of hair blocks look like banana.

Anime character’s hair is mostly the case and many guys prefer realism may think that is animation style. In fact, animation style comes from realism style and it’s simplification of realism style. Realism style is merely complex version of those blocks.


6,All blocks should be cowlick-centered, random blocks might look OK somehow but still strange.

The picture above is the general look in comics and the line of the blocks will not be drawn.


7, the above picture has been painted purple.

In fact air of both comic type and realism type are drawn the way above.

If you have been able to do that, I think you will encounter the second question: how to color? How to draw hair highlights?


8, to draw highlights we must set the light source first. As shown above, we set a common position.



9, the drawing of highlights is closely related with the “processing the hair after dividing it into blocks”.

About highlights, we must draw it block by block corresponding to position of the light. In other words, highlights should be put at protuberance of every “banana”.


10, as shown above, highlights are drawn according to blocks. If not, it will look messy.



11, now let’s simply talk about drawing hair highlights with Photoshop.

Hair highlights is best to be processed by the brush in the image above to make it gradients at 2 ends and sharp-edged . In addition, it is better to set the flow 40 to 50.



12, assuming that it is a hair piece, a banana skin.



13, to draw the highlights well, more blocks are needed on that hair piece.

As shown above, the highlights drawing follows a certain law of block. Block can be arbitrarily divided, but they should be of different sizes with clear priorities. With more practice you will grasp it well. In short it will not look good if too neat.


14, block in block:  don’t those who prefer realism consider the hair of comic style unrealistic? All right let’s handle it.

To be realistic, we have to pay the price of careful consideration. Do not think there is any realistic expert who can quickly draw hair that looks real. There is no option but work hard on the blocks after dividing them.


15, keep adjusting the brush size and brush with gray and black alternately for several times and then sharp corners will appear, which looks realistic.

Of course, if you want it to be more realistic, you just need to repeat the above steps.


16, the pure white highlights are drawn the same way, but its gray part is shorter.

Here we can conclude: To draw good hair, it should be divided into multiple layers and each layers should be divided into blocks: First, divide the hair into blocks; Second, color each block light after dividing each block; Third, draw highlights after each light color block divided.

17, many hair pieces is probably look like the picture above.


18, if you can handle the above steps well then no doubt you will get a beautiful hair, but too neat!

So we have to add some messy hair to make it look real, but not too much. In addition to white lines, a little black lines are OK. This step demands your art processing capacity.


19, now let’s look at the original photo.

Drawing those photos with the above methods is absolutely available-the problem is that you have to make an effort painting carefully.


20, at last I believe you have another question, how to draw messy hair? (Author of above picture: master of realism Linran)

Well let’s uncover the mystery: the hair blocks in above picture are actually divided very simply. To draw messy hair you need to draw messy blocks first. In short, messy hair depends on messy blocks. If you become very skilled of the methods above, then the messy hair for you is just a question of design capacity.

By Huion