
(Please watch the video on Youtube directly. Tumblr ruins the video quality.)

Here’s the promised video of the drawing I’ve posted yesterday. It shows how I use the Huion H610 Pro and Paint Tool Sai to create my digital artwork. 

Below you can see the drawing, in case you have missed it.

Huion H610 Pro Drawing

One of the main reasons why I like and support this graphics tablet so much, is the pressure sensitivity. It works brilliantly and feels just like drawing with a real pencil.

I hope you enjoy this video!


So i’ve had my Huion H610 tablet now for a few days, and kinda ran it through some practice. I can honestly say i really like this tablet!

Ok, so the specs of the tablet are as such:

  • Active Area – 10”x6”
  • Hand Input Res. – 4000 LPI
  • Express Keys – 8
  • Function Keys – 16
  • Pressure Sensitivity – 2024 Levels

Ok tech stuff gone, this tablet has the feel and comfort of any Wacom tablet, but at well under half the cost. I purchased this tablet on Amazon for around $60. Much easier on the wallet then trying to get a Wacom of similar size for over $150. If you’re looking for a cost effective alternative to Wacom, i would definitely go check out Huion for their tablets. 

A bit of a warning when dealing with the drivers; their drivers do not act like some where it auto uninstalls the old ones, or re-writes them. When you download new drivers, be sure to uninstall the old ones first before installing the new ones. 

I’ve tested the tablet on 3 programs so far: Photoshop CS6, Paint Tool Sai, and Manga Studio EX5. It worked perfectly on all 3 without any problems. 

The only thing i’ve seen people complain about, is that the pen itself is battery charged, using AAA batteries. This i don’t really mind much about, as it’s not that big of a deal. You can turn the pen itself off with a button on the back, so as to conserve energy. 

That’s really all i have to say about it for now, if you have any questions on specific things let me know and i’ll try to help. 

Thanks for reading~

Thank you very much for your kind support~~~~ 🙂